GlobeMed partners with the Kaplan offices to give students discounted prices off of Kaplan tests such as the MCATs, LSATs, GRE, etc. All of our members pass and fill out Kaplan cards. For every 200 Kaplan cards filled out, GlobeMed receives 1 test, which we then sell for a cheaper price. This campaign generates much of our profits, as many of our students need to take these Kaplan tests! This year our partnership with Kaplan has grown even stronger and they have agreed to give us twelve tests!
If you are interested in any of the tests and would like to buy them at the cheapest price out there (guaranteed!!), contact us at .
GlobeMed is extremely grateful for the partnership we have been able to foster over the years with Kaplan. Please be sure to check out our greatest supporter at http://www.kaplan.com/.