Intern Spotlight: Eva Adler
1. Would you rather eat a handful of hair or lick three public telephones?
Lick three public telephones for sure!
I’d rather get sick than not be able to breathe…
2. What’s your favorite quote?
“The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and a [greater purpose]. It was never between you and them anyway.”
–Mother Teresa
3. If you were stranded on an island with only one food item, what would it be?
Ketchup. I’m obsessed!
It would also make a great dipping sauce for all the fish, insects, and odd creatures I’d eat.
4. What are some fun hobbies you like to do in your spare time?
I love to swim, hike, go on casual bike rides, rock climb and occasional breakfast cooking. I also enjoy hanging outside on nice warm days and laughing with close friends. No matter where I am, I always have a fun if laughter is involved.
5. What is your major here at CU and why did you chose that area of focus?
I’m a double major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EBIO) and Geography. I’ve always been fascinated with trees, soil, and people. So you could say learning for me has been enjoyable and I’ve gained a whole new understanding how people interact and move upon the physical landscape (environment). I find both majors fascinating combined as they are a holistic approach to understanding ourselves and the world around us.
6. What is your position in GlobeMed?
I am currently this year’s GROW Internship Coordinator. I also couldn’t be more excited to step up as next year’s External Co-President for our Boulder chapter.
GO BUFFS!! (Shout out to Shay, our External Co-Prez now)
7. What makes you so passionate about GlobeMed?
I love the GlobeMed community. But most of all I love the partnership, the dedication, and the commitment to support a rural community facing many inequalities. GlobeMed has empowered me to play an active role in addressing inequalities and has influenced my future career path within public health.
8. What are you most excited about for this summer’s GROW internship?
To connect with the people. I can’t wait to meet the mothers that can sleep soundly knowing their children are healthier, to meet the student that can be the first of his family to attend a University, and/or meet the little girl that dreams of owning her very own goats and starting her own business. I also can’t wait to connect the whole Boulder chapter to the community.
9. Tell us one secret about yourself.
I talk in accents without realizing it throughout my day. I can’t control it and I get into the most awkward situations. For example, I often say thank you in a British accent, but I also do the same to people from Britain…yep, it gets embarrassing.